Tag Archives: gianhienboat

Sailing Model Decoration Trends In The Next 10 Years

Sailing Model Decoration Trends In The Next 10 Years 2

Sailing Model Decoration Trends In The Next 10 Years Decorating a sailboat model according to feng shui is an increasingly popular trend among yachtsmen and yacht lovers. In the next 10 years, it is expected that this trend will continue to grow and become an even more popular trend in sailing decoration. Here are some […]


Preussen Boat Model Named After The Recipient 1

MODEL SHIPPING WITH PRINTED NAME – SUPER LUXURY PARTNER GIFT Holidays, Tet, birthdays, grand openings, signing cooperation contracts, etc. It is a convenient opportunity for you and your partner to establish a friendship in business. However, giving gifts on this occasion is also a way to express your sincerity and respect for your partner. Thus, […]

The relationship between the sailing and feng shui model

The Sailboat Has Appeared And Attached To Human Activities From Thousands Of Years Ago 1

The relationship between the sailing and feng shui model Feng shui and the sailing model have become an integral part of modern feng shui art. However, few people know about the origin and history of this model and why it has special importance in feng shui. This article will help you explain the relationship between […]

Learning about wooden boats – A Beginner’s Guide to Model Boats

Some Models Of Boat Models Are Available On The Market 1

Learning about wooden boats – A Beginner’s Guide to Model Boats Sailboats are an increasingly popular feng shui decoration item. Collecting model sailboats has also become a hobby and passion of some successful and sophisticated people. To become a “connoisseur model player”, everyone has to go through the initial research steps. Right here, let’s learn […]


The Ship Pyotr Velikiy In Reality 1

PYOTR VELIKIY – HEAVY NEUTRAL FIRE COURT Russia is one of the countries in the world with great military strength. In terms of fighting on the water front, this country is also a formidable opponent of other nations. To build that strength, it is impossible not to mention the contribution of Russia’s most famous majestic […]

Resort yacht model – Luxury Tet gifts for bosses and partners

Resort Yacht Model – Luxury Tet Gifts For Bosses And Partners 1

Resort yacht model – Luxury Tet gifts for bosses and partners Gucci, Lamboghini, Ariston, etc. are familiar names that help us immediately think of supercars, luxury fashion brands, high-end furniture brands, etc. But in this article, these names are related to luxury resort yacht models. This is also a good suggestion for luxurious Tet gift […]


Remote Control Yacht Model Running On Water 2

TOP 4 BEST REMOTE CONTROL Yacht Models The remote control yacht model is one of the high-end “toys” only for those who have taste and are really passionate about the model genre. This is a luxurious decoration item inside the home and office space. On the other hand, when put into the water, the yacht […]

Queen Mary 2 – Model of British ocean liner

British Ocean Liner – Queen Mary 2 3

Queen Mary 2 – Model of British ocean liner Model model of British freighter Queen Mary 2, referred to as QM2 for short, is one of the most luxurious and popular wooden ship models at the wooden boat showroom. Today’s article will take readers to discover in detail the monumental history of this ship, as […]

10 of the most formal classic European boat models

Christian Radich 3

10 of the most formal classic European boat models Europe is considered the origin of the most beautiful classic sailing ships in history. Those sailboats still leave a glorious echo to this day when they are reproduced in the form of decorative boat models. The following are the 5 most formal classic European boat models, […]